LED Circuits To Play With

LEDs Are Fun

Here is a collection of LED circuits that I have gathered together for you to PLAY with.
There is no soldering necessary with most of them but you will need a Solderless Breadboard to put them together.

Solderless Breadboard

A solderless breadboard, for those who are just starting out, is a circuit building tool with connected rows used to connect the different circuits together. You can find them at your nearest Radio Shack. Here is one I built two seperate circuits on.
Another option is to use a Perf Board to assemble them. I have a little tutorial about building with Perf Boards HERE…


Please use caution and build responsibly. If I feel that a circuit can endanger your life, I will tell you on that page so watch for it. Some circuits use 110VAC 60HZ as a supply. I don’t want to scare anyone away but, “THIS KIND OF VOLTAGE CAN KILL YOU”. OK, I’ve got your attention. If you’re not quite sure about how to handle higher voltages, please move on to a lower voltage circuit.

Now on to the circuits.

Simple LED Circuit

LED Face small for LED Circuits Page

Here’s a little thing I put together with LED Lights that actually turned out much better than I planned. It is a simple circuit that uses low voltage so it is pretty safe.

Check out how I used this simple circuit in my LED Photo Project HERE…

The Simplest LED Flasher There Is

Flashing LED and Button cell

There are only two components, it only takes 10 seconds to build and there are absolutely no harmful voltages to worry about.

This is a project for all ages and all skill levels.

It’s called an LED Throwie.  Check it out right HERE…

More LED Flasher Circuits

Lots and lots of uses for these flashing/blinking/winking circuits.
Not only are they fun to build, they’re easy to build too. Low voltage LED circuits are more enjoyable for me because there’s less chance of getting a ssshhoocckkk. I hate those.
Anyway, some circuits flash, some blink slowly and some even Flip-Flop back and forth and up and down and……. Check them out HERE…

12 LED Accent Light Circuit

Need just enough light to illuminate a dark corner of a room?
How about a light for your desktop?

Desklamp pic for Electronics Circuits page

Maybe even something for under your cupboards to light up your counter top.
Well this little 12 LED Accent Light Project might just do the trick.
To check it out just click HERE…

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